Implementing pilot – vulnerable sector “transport”

Activity 2.3.1.Implementarea a pilot project for vulnerable sector “transport” in Sibiu: creating infrastructure for the location of underground electric cable / telecommunications, planting trees in bus shelters and traffic study on evaluating the efficiency of traffic and alternative routes in situations of extreme events Sub-activities: Feasibility study for the creation of infrastructure for the siting of 10 019 m of underground electrical wiring / Telecommunications in Sibiu  

Responsible: Municipality of Sibiu electrical cables

Status Implementation: full

Procurement feasibility study – Creation of infrastructure for the location of underground telecommunication cables and public lighting in Sibiu on the following streets: D-dul Victoriei Avenue V.Milea, Avenue C . Coposu, Alba Iulia Road and Route Dumbravii was finalized by signing the contract no. 65 / 05.12.2015 and studies taking on 15/07/2015. In City Council meeting dated 07.30.2015 has approved the technical and economic indicators Creation
infrastructure for locating underground telecommunication cables and public lighting in the municipality of Sibiu on the following streets: Victory Blvd., V. Milea Boulevard, C. Coposu Blvd., Alba Iulia Road and Route Dumbrăvii related to project implementation “green Way to sustainable development ‘ Creating the infrastructure for placement of underground electrical wiring 10.019 m / Telecommunications in Sibiu – Sibiu City Hall

Responsible: Municipality of Sibiu

Status Implementation:full

were completed acquisition procedures for creating infrastructure for the placement of 10 019 m underground wiring, electrical / telecommunication in Sibiu – Design  Avenue C. Coposu ‘s (PT + DDE + Datça) and related the works. 

has started work on creating infrastructure all 5 metropolitan streets covered by the project, as follows:

– Boulevard Coposu: 06/01/2016 order starting work;

– Route Dumbrăvii sauce. Alba Iulia: 08/06/2016 order starting work;

– Victory Boulevard and Vasile Milea Boulevard: 07/13/2016 order starting work.

The works have been completed. Planting 30 trees in bus stations

Responsible: Municipality of Sibiu

Status Implementation: full

We established locations to plant 30 trees in the proximity of the bus station on Victory Boulevard arteries, V. Milea Boulevard, C. Coposu Blvd., Alba Road Iulia and Dumbrăvii way.
It has conducted procurement procedure works planting of 30 trees and create alveoli specially designed for this purpose. The 30 trees were planted along the infrastructure. studiu_trafic traffic in Sibiu

Responsible: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Status Implementation: done

traffic study on evaluating the efficiency of traffic and alternative routes in situations of extreme events ( i Studi )

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GHIDUL APLICANTULUI – Cerere de Propuneri de Proiecte în cadrul Fondului pentru Relații Bilaterale aferent Programului RO07 – ADAPTAREA LA SCHIMBARI CLIMATICE finanțat prin Granturile SEE 2009-2014


Granturi SEE si Norvegiene 2014-2021
