Implementing pilot – vulnerable sectors “energy” and “infrastructure / construction / urban planning”

Activity 3.1.1. Implementing an integrated pilot project for vulnerable sectors “energy” and “infrastructure / construction / urban planning” in public buildings – Kindergarten Grimm Brothers APM Sibiu and Sibiu, based on studies on energy efficiency and the studies on energy efficiency Social Center Tg. Mures

Sub-activities: Undertake a study of the building’s technical expertise APM Sibiu Development of a feasibility study for building works APM Sibiu

Responsible: APM Sibiu

Implementation status: completed

Endorsement of documentation Intervention Works and Technical Expertise (DALI) for building APM Sibiu was drafted, following the completion of the public procurement procedure and conclusion of the contract with the service provider on 05/06/2015 and was submitted to EPA on May Sibiu 06/30/2015. A technical and economic analysis was conducted at the EPA in Sibiu on 15/07/2015.

Endorsement of documentation Intervention Works and Technical Expertise (DALI) for APM Sibiu building was approved by the National Agency for Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Environment Commission technical and economic Waters and Forests, getting Opinion no. 65 of 27.08.2015. SIBIUre-APM Sibiu

Study findings DALI covering investment works interventions Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu, on increasing the energy efficiency of the building and adaptation to climate change shows that through works such as insulation building façade, making green terraces, rehabilitation of thermal electrical and plumbing and creating a system for building ventilation spaces can cause a significant reduction in total annual consumption of energy for heating and air conditioning, hot water and lighting, ie an improvement of building energy efficiency by 48%. EPA technical project Sibiu

Responsible: APM Sibiu

Implementation stage: done Realization of construction works at EPA Sibiu

Responsible: APM Sibiu

Stage of implementation: Ongoing technical project Kindergarten Grimm Brothers Sibiu

Responsible: APM Sibiu

Implementation stage: done Achieving the construction and energetic adaptation of the building at the Grimm Sibiu kindergarten

Responsible: APM Sibiu

Stage of implementation: Ongoing


Following the performance of the public procurement procedure, performed online, to “prepare draft technical works – Model good practice by adapting constructive energy of a building in the context of climate change (headquarters APM Sibiu, Kindergarten Grimm Brothers Sibiu Social Centre Targu Mures) and execution – Model good practice through constructive and energetic adaptation of a building in the context of climate change (EPA headquarters Sibiu, Sibiu GradinitaFratii Grimm) “APM Sibiu ended on 19/04/2016 works contract with the association formed by SC Empire central Group LLC and Interactive Design LLC, having lead-time work in April 2017.img_2522img_20161101_090419
Technical documentation have been prepared for the 3 objectives, APM Sibiu, Sibiu Kindergarten Grimm Brothers, Social Center Tg Mures, yielding no building permits. 580 / 07.29.2016 for work at APM Sibiu, no. 726 / 08.09.2016 for Kindergarten Grimm Brothers works at the headquarters of Sibiu no. 390 / 26.08.2016 Center for Social works Tg. On 08/08/2016 Mures.În actual construction work began at the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu – Model good practice through constructive and energetic adaptation of the building in the context of climate change, and work began on 10/24/2016 at headquarters kindergarten Grimm brothers Sibiu. Performance of the study of energy efficiency in building Kindergarten Grimm Brothers Sibiu Responsible: APM Sibiu Implementation stage: done  The study of energy efficiency, registered with the Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu no. 2285 / 13.02.2015, shows that the solutions proposed rehabilitation can achieve an increase building energy efficiency by 27%. Undertake a study of technical expertise in building Kindergarten Grimm Brothers Sibiu Development of a feasibility study for building works Kindergarten Grimm Brothers Sibiu

Responsible: APM Sibiu

Status Implementation: completed

Documentation Endorsement intervention works and technical expertise (DALI) for building Kindergarten Grimm Brothers Sibiu was drafted, following the completion of the public procurement procedure and conclusion of the contract with the service provider on 06/05/2015 and was filed APM Sibiu on 30/06/2015. A technical and economic analysis was conducted at Sibiu on 15/07/2015 APM.

Documentation Endorsement intervention works and technical expertise (DALI) for building Kindergarten Grimm Brothers Sibiu was approved by the National Agency for Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Environment Commission technical and economic Waters and Forests getting Opinion no. 63 of 27.08.2015.

The findings DALI covering investment works interventions to Kindergarten Grimm Brothers, on increasing the energy efficiency of the building and adaptation to climate change shows that the solutions insulation of the building and installation about 40 square meters of solar panels on boiler terrace and roof structure south of the building, for the preparation of hot water from renewable sources to obtain a reduction of the building’s total annual energy by 30.97% compared to current consumption. Performance of the study of energy efficiency in building social center Tg. Mures

Responsible: APM Sibiu

Status Implementation: done

Study of Social Center Tg energy efficiency. Mures no. 2284 / 13.02.2015 reveals that the proposed rehabilitation packages can lead to a saving of energy consumption in buildings by up to 15%. Undertake a study of technical expertise in building social center Tg. Mures Making a feasibility study for building works Tg social center. Mures

Responsible: APM Sibiu

Status Implementation: completed

Documentation Endorsement intervention works and technical expertise (DALI) for Tg Social Center building. Mures has been drawn up, following the completion of the public procurement procedure and conclusion of the contract with the service provider on 06/05/2015 and was filed on 06/30/2015 in Sibiu APM. A technical and economic analysis was conducted at the EPA in Sibiu on 07/15/2015.

Documentation Endorsement intervention works and technical expertise (DALI) for Tg Social Center building. Mures was approved by the National Agency for Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Environment Commission technical and economic Waters and Forests, getting Opinion no. 64 of 27.08.2015.

The findings involving the investment DALI Increasing the energy efficiency of the building Tg Social Center. Mures, shows that the thermal insulation of external walls and installation of two boilers with wall mounted condensing thermal efficiency of the building increases the energy efficiency of 1.08 with 22.12%. The intervention works on increasing energy efficiency Social Center Tg. Mures

Responsible: Municipality of Tg. Mures

Stage of implementation: full

Preparing documents for public procurement.


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GHIDUL APLICANTULUI – Cerere de Propuneri de Proiecte în cadrul Fondului pentru Relații Bilaterale aferent Programului RO07 – ADAPTAREA LA SCHIMBARI CLIMATICE finanțat prin Granturile SEE 2009-2014


Granturi SEE si Norvegiene 2014-2021
