Education / Information


Activity 1.1.1. Education, information and knowledge development training programs on adaptation to climate change and their effects on vulnerable sectors and developing a training module for students and a post graduate course

Sub-activities: Organizing four training sessions on adaptation to climate change with representatives from public institutions, private sector, civil society, universities etc. With the participation of Norwegian experts involved in the project Responsible: APM Sibiu, KS Norwegian partner

Implementation stage: integral

 Instruire_I_Tg_Mures First training on the concept of adaptation to climate change for vulnerable sectors / priority” water resources “,” public Health “and” Insurance “took place from 27 to 29 April 2015 in Tg. Mures, where 70 people participated by representatives of the three municipalities involved in the project (Sibiu, Brasov, Tg. Mures) and representatives of authorities in sectors of interest, Norwegian experts.

Between 5 to 8 May 2015 in Sibiu, held the second training session on the concept of adaptation to climate change for the sect vulnerable / priority” Industry “,” Energy “,” Infrastructure / Construction / urban Planning “. The training was attended by 80 persons, representatives of the three municipalities (Sibiu, Brasov, Tg. Mures), authorities in the areas of energy, infrastructure, building, public and private companies, MMAPI, Norwegian experts. The training included site visit at SC Wienerberger Ltd, the company which owns permit greenhouse gas emissions.


From 1 to 4 June 2015, at Bran, keys, which became unfolded third training session on climate change adaptation for vulnerable sectors / priority ” Agriculture “,” Forest “and” Biodiversity “. The training was attended by 70 persons, representatives of the three municipalities involved in the project (Sibiu, Brasov, Tg. Mures) and representatives of authorities in sectors of interest. The training included a site visit in Stone Mountains National Park and Reserve of bears in Zarnesti.

From 18 to 21 August 2015 at Tg. Mures, held its fourth training session on adaptation to climate change focused on vulnerable sectors / priority “Transport”, “Education”, “Recreational”, “Tourism”. The training was attended by 70 persons, representing  Instruire_IV_Tg_Mures NTI of the 3 municipalities Sibiu, Brasov, Targu. Muressi authorities in sectors of interest. The training session was conducted a site visit at the Zoo Tg. Mures.

The trainings were organized with the support of the Norwegian project partner KS, being involved and experts from Western Norway Research Institute of Civil Protection siDirectia Norwegian – DSB. Norwegian experts gave presentations and via Skype. The study visit of the management team in Norway to i nstruirii on the adaptation to climate change

Responsible: APM Sibiu, KS Norwegian partner

Status Implementation: integral


The study tour management team took place from 25 to 29 May 2015. Participants 7 people, 4 of the EPA Sibiu and 3 persons from the three municipalities Sibiu, Brasov, Targu. Mures. The study visit was aimed at training the management team in acquiring knowledge in the field of adaptation to climate change through the exchange of information between authorities, visits to municipalities in Norway, field visits to the objectives / measures of good practice on climate change adaptation .They visited public buildings or a school, a gymnasium Lillesbyhallen (fotostanga), adapted to climate change. The study visit of the management team in a European country that has financing EEA Grants / Norway with projects on adaptation to climate change in implementation / completed

Responsible: APM Sibiu, KS Norwegian partner

Status of implementation: integral

Norwegian experts conducting a project within the Portuguese PT04 (Adaptation to climate change), financed through EEA Grants “Municipalities Project”. Through experts, APM Sibiu contacted the University of Lisbon (Portugal) to cooperation between the two projects.

Between 8 to 11 September 2015, held a study visit in the region Alten1113_Baraj
, Portugal, to acquire best practices in adaptation to climate change.

The visit was attended by 2 people, 1 representative of the management team of the project the green path to sustainable development promoter Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu and 1 representative of the contractor in project, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. This visit provided the opportunity of meeting with experts laDirectoratul for Emergencies Norway and Portugal DIAE company, which had taken measures for sectors vulnerable to climate change, water resources and agriculture. In this regard, were conducted field visits to objectives that are examples of good practice: storage dams (Photo The main dam accumulation Alqueva and Monitoring Centre ) pumping systems, primary and secondary irrigation of agricultural land, farms. The study visit ies stakeholders in the Region 7 Center for acquiring best practices in adaptation to climate change in Norway

Responsible: APM Sibiu, KS Norwegian partner

Status Implementation: integral


The study visit to Norway stakeholders was held during 15 to 19 June 2015. The study visit was attended by 20 people, stakeholders involved in the development and writing strategies and action plans on climate change adaptation. The delegation was composed of representatives of M.M.A.P., A.N.P.M., A.N.M., I.S.U. Sibiu, I.S.U. Brasov, Sibiu City Hall, City Hall Brasov City Hall Tg. Mures, S.G.A. Sibiu, A.P.M. Brasov. A.P.M. Sibiu, C.S.A. Sibiu, Sibiu GNM in order to acquire knowledge and best practice view 1114_Scoala it adapt to climate change.

During the visit were achieved both presentations from experts Norwegians (KS, DSB and VF, the municipality of Fredrikstad and Oslo), as well as field trips: school Frederikstad built with reused materials (left photo), gym (new building adapted to climate change, energy efficiency), channels for collecting rainfall, water retention basins rainfall in the municipality of Oslo. Improve training university students on reducing vulnerabilities to climate change – internship in Norway
Responsible: APM Sibiu, KS Norwegian partner

Status implemIMG_7276entation : integral

was successfully student contest – “Green Way in machete”, with the prize a study visit – internship in Norway. Internship of the 10 students and 2 teachers took place from 10 to 19 April 2016. As a result of the Norwegian partner KS’s request in March 2017, a new 10-day internship for students in Norway took place, where the following 5 student teams participated in the “Green Way in Mock-ups” Making a way for university students from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu on adaptation to climate change

Responsible: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Implementation stage: integral

Implementation Period: November 2015 – December 2016

Has developed training module “Adapting to Climate Change” for students ULBS, Faculty of Engineering, was handed over on schedule discipline, specialization Engineering and Environmental Protection in Industry (IPMI), the third year of study a training module on climate change adaptation for students, what an important role in achieving this module have two teachers who participated in the study visit to Norway and receiving information on the organization and content of the module, model universities in this field in Norway. Making a postgraduate course to improve knowledge and create a minimum of 20 specialists on adaptation to climate change

Responsible: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Stage of implementation: integral

Implementation Period: November 2015 – December 2016

  Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu has developed postgraduate course for specialists in public authorities and insitutions and vulnerable sectors / companies.
During postgraduate Adaptation to Climate Change, began Saturday November 5th at 8, according to the schedule established at the Faculty of Engineering (Hall IE301) .In the postgraduate course will train a minimum of 20 specialists. Implementing an Educational Center on adaptation to climate change in Tg. Mures

Status Implementation: integral

Responsible: City Hall Tg. Mures

Creating a center for education and research to inform, educate students / pupils / population on adaptation to climate change and build a research on climate change at Tg microclimate. Mures and study of the effects of climate change on health. Inauguration of the Educational Center on Adaptation to Climate Change in Tg Mures in March 2017.

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GHIDUL APLICANTULUI – Cerere de Propuneri de Proiecte în cadrul Fondului pentru Relații Bilaterale aferent Programului RO07 – ADAPTAREA LA SCHIMBARI CLIMATICE finanțat prin Granturile SEE 2009-2014


Granturi SEE si Norvegiene 2014-2021
